Scientific Monitoring of Climate Protection Concept at RheinEnergie AG

  • Project no.1138
  • Duration 11/2007 - 05/2009

As a result of the implementation of the German government's climate and environment protection programme (so-called Meseberger Beschlüsse), the EU-package "20 20 by 2020" and the EU directive about final energy efficiency and energy services, the targets and incentives for market players to invest in climate protection activities are considerably rising. Yet this also increases the responsibility of energy companies, market partners and various customer groups to get involved in the field of climate and resource protection.
Within the framework of this study, the Wuppertal Institute develops a climate protection concept for the RheinEnergie AG. It focuses on reaching the climate protection targets while at the same time it shows up possibilities how a locally, respectively regionally positioned energy company like RheinEnergie AG may assert its position under the given circumstances. This includes for instance an analysis of the potential for additional turnover by extending the value creation chain in the markets for energy-efficient services, combined heat (cooling) and power generation, renewable energies, comprehensive consulting and smart metering. The questions asked in the context of a scientific monitoring of the concept creation are:

  • Which energy- and climate-political frame conditions and challenges are important for the RheinEnergie AG?
  • How big is the potential for the use of renewables and enhanced energy efficiency in the catchment area of RheinEnergie AG?
  • How may the CO2-mitigations of already existing efficiency- and renewable energy measures be quantified?
  • Which additional measures for more energy efficiency and renewable energies are possible within the catchment area of RheinEnergie AG?
  • How may essential climate protection measures be combined with economical success (utilising win-win-situations)?
  • Which fields of action provide the greatest chance to reach this target and which measures offer the biggest potential to distinguish the RheinEnergieAG from other companies?

Further project information


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