Konjunkturprogramm unter der Klimaschutzlupe

Viele gute Impulse, aber Nachbesserungen für nachhaltige Wirkung erforderlich?!

  • Publications 09.06.2020

Germany's economic performance has been severely affected by the corona pandemic. In order to revive the economy, the governing parties agreed in their coalition committee on June 3, 2020 on an "economic stimulus and crisis management package" and a "package for the future" totaling 130 billion euros. Almost 60 measures are planned for 2020 and 2021, ranging from tax breaks on value-added tax to concrete investments in future technologies. With a view to climate protection, the Grand Coalition's package of measures contains good approaches and many important impulses, but these threaten to fizzle out if they are not flanked by a consistent and sustainable climate policy. In addition, important areas for climate protection, such as investments in the recycling industry, are missing. Moreover, measures to increase energy efficiency are not given sufficient consideration. It is precisely in these areas that economic stimulation and climate protection could have complemented each other ideally, the Wuppertal Institute criticises. In this discussion paper, it reacts to the present proposals and summarises which measures should be improved and where additions are necessary in the context of the implementation phase that is now imminent.


Manfred Fischedick, Carolin Baedeker, Katrin Bienge, Lukas Hermwille, Justus von Geibler, Dagmar Kiyar, Georg Kobiela, Thorsten Koska, Christa Liedtke, Steven März, Annika Rehm, Sascha Samadi, Dorothea Schostok, Dietmar Schüwer, Melanie Speck, Stefan Thomas, Oliver Wagner, Timon Wehnert, Henning Wilts:

Konjunkturprogramm unter der Klimaschutzlupe

Viele gute Impulse, aber Nachbesserungen für nachhaltige Wirkung erforderlich?! Eine erste Bewertung des Konjunkturprogramms der Bundesregierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Klimaschutzes

Wuppertal, 2020

(Zukunftsimpuls Nr. 13)

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